Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Special Shout-Out To Cristin Caine

Life is hectic and busy. Everyone knows that. It seems everyone is dealing with issues whether they are physical and/or mental. Yet, they still find the time to reach out and encourage me. I remember as a child being so care free about life and not having a worry in the world, thanks to my parents. Hopefully, my kids feel that way. This post though is to recognize all of you and especially one person. Everyone has been so encouraging and so hopeful for my positive outcome. They may not post messages, but I hear from people I run into how much they love reading my updates, or through my mom, if she has bumped into someone in her office everyone is genuinely concerned about me. This keeps me going.

I want to personally thank everyone for their support. There are so many charities and organizations that people can donate to, I understand that. It amazes me sometimes that people choose Cystic Fibrosis to support despite any direct link to the disease, ie. immediate family member, etc. CF is a unique disease in that real progress has and is being made and now with lung transplant life expectancy is even higher! No genetic disease has ever really been cured, but what the CF foundation and researchers are doing is very close to a cure. Allowing children born with what was once a death sentence, into now the possibility and the probability of a somewhat "normal" life. And perhaps they will actually find that "cure".

Cristin McIntyre Caine is a perfect example of this amazing testament to the beauty of the human spirit. I have known the Mcintyre family since I was a kid and through friendship they have always been involved with helping raising money for CF. Cristin even worked for the foundation as a fundraiser out of college. Last saturday night she hosted a "Girls Night Out" type of event, where through her and her friends hardwork had about 100 or so items donated for auction. She did this on her own accord with no outside help from the foundation. It was just an event that through her genuine kindness wanted to do! She raised over $6,000!!! for Cystic Fibrosis. She, her mom, sister, and friends, donated their time and hard-work to put this event together. I am sure they have things in their own life that they could have easily not have had time to do something like this. The event was such a success and so well run it just blows me away the kindness that people have.

Cristin is Amazing!! Thank you so much for your friendship and support over the years. People like you are what life is all about.



joan said...

Thank you too Cristin. It's nice to meet another angel in Mitch's life. Mitch enjoy your birthday eve. xo Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Great post Greeny. We love you

Dara and Kalvort

Jenni said...

What a sweet post. Cristin has always been such a strong supporter of CF fundraising.