Sunday, December 13, 2009

Update 12.13.09

Mitch had OR bronch on Friday. Scheduled for 12pm, started at 7pm.
The bronch showed the lungs looked better , infection better, stenosis/narrowing better.
Dr Haithcock also did a biopsy to check for rejection which caused bleeding, which is a rare complication. He had to re-intubate Mitch and go back in and take a look to make sure the bleeding stopped, etc. They kept the breathing tube in and Mitch in the ICU overnight, Friday night.
Breathing tube came out Saturday morning. Luckily, Mitch was sedated and thought when he woke up that he was just getting out of the procedure the night before. He was back where he started, next door to his room right after the transplant in the CICU! I am glad he did not suffer, I worried that all night he would wake up and not know what happened, and why he was in the ICU on a vent.
Luckily, he is home and recovering. All of these incidents take a toll. He is weaker, but at least the infection is better. The next OR bronchoscopy will take place in a few weeks. Same procedure, but no biopsies.

Although, next time- we are only taking an early morning appointment for these non-emergent surgeries.

Billy and Gayle were here during this happening, thankfully. They took our dog and one car back to Maryland. Hopefully, we will all get back there soon.

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