When we last left the story, the protagonist (yours truly), was in a difficult battle with a team of dark forces led by their leader 'Stenosis'. We fled with the family to Florida and spent time with Rebecca's mom, Lois, in Vero Beach. We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas , time on the beach, and relaxation. The boys absolutely love 'Grammies Beach House' and had a lot of fun playing wii and wrestling with Peter. I actually think I might have played more wii then them. Super Mario Smash bros. is addicting.
Unfortunately, Stenosis found us! My breathing deteriorated very rapidly. I was back to wheezing and unable to tolerate much exercise. I was determined to continue with the trip, which included the Phish show in Miami. I was in correspondence with the docs and Becky, and we started back on antibiotics just to prevent any further complications from infection, and I was told to really monitor my SATS (blood oxygen level) if they remained in the low to mid 90's at rest, I am ok.
On the 27th we headed down to my parents place in Palm Beach. By this time, I really could not do anything active beyond walking straight lines, but I tried. However, on the 28th we made it to the show, I would not be denied! It was fantastic! I am so glad we went. It was a bit surreal because on both Reba's and my mind was my health. We were not sure if my poor breathing was still just Mr. Stenosis, or some more vengeful unknown enemy. But the music prevailed this night. I was able to stand and bob my head and move my hands (the nerdy hippy dance), so all was good. The set list was perfect. From the opening notes of the first song (Sample in a jar), to the closing contact-character zero we were able to lose ourselves for a few precious minutes and not worry. I had a feeling all week we were in for a good night and was not disappointed, karma. We had great seats taboot, see photo below.
During this time, we were in contact with Chapel Hill and Dr. Haithcock wanted me back in there to do the balloon bronch again on the 30th. So, off we went driving all day on the 29th. Had the bronch on the 30th. The procedure went flawlessly and this time we got some good news. Dr. Haithcock said he really thinks the stenosis is confined to the anastomes and not distally. So, this happens more like 20% of the time. Unfortunately, mine is a bit persistent and won't go away with these balloon bronchs, so he said he would put in the stents in about 2 weeks. Immediately though, I felt 100% better, by the time we got to Maryland on the 31st I was breathing so much better. What a relief to know that this is still fixable. I went from not being able to walk up some stairs, to unloading the car, putting things away, playing with the boys, and ringing in the new year at my brother Terry and Tracy's house playing rockband and counting down the ball with the WHOLE family!! Kids included. Some how, all the kids were awake and into it and about 15-20 of us rang in the new year. It made me feel so alive!! Thank you Terry and Tracy!! The boys have never come close to staying up to midnight, perhaps they could feel how special this night was.
About 10 days have now passed since the last balloon bronch and the stent procedure is now scheduled for the 20th. I felt great up until about 24 hours ago and now the narrowing or Mr. Stenosis has located me again. I slowly start to feel the narrowing creep into my airway and the wheezing is slowly starting. I am actually in Chapel Hill now and just finished a clinic appointment and rehab. The plan is to still make it to the 20th, if it gets much more severe, like in Florida, I am to call them and see if it can be bumped up. I know they have to procure the stents, etc, but that should be done or being done.
Back to Maryland tomorrow and hopefully I can fool the enemy to stay away and not progress for another 10 days.....Again, this sequel will be long, sorry for the long post, but thanks for reading. BTW, the second photo below is the day we left Chapel Hill. The boys made some great friends and it was symbolic of our time here. We found the people nice and approachable and it was bitter sweet to leave...
Here are some of the boys friends on their left and right is another set of twins, Trevor and Logan. In the back is the legendary "bam-Bam"

Here is a view from our seats at the Phish show before it began. Great seats right on top of Page's Keys!

You are such a good writer! I could feel the emotion of ringing in the new year with your family and it brought me to tears. Hope 2010 brings you the sequel of your dreams and provides mostly positive chapters. Happy New Year!
Love, Lynn
I second Lynn's comments !! What a great writing style and how good that you can tell us in easy to understand ways what is going on. Thank You so much for sharing all of it... the good times, the not so good times, and the really incredibly wonderful times. 2010 is a great place to be. Very much luck to you on your upcoming procedure. !! Love Jean
Hi Mitch,
SO glad to hear things are improving, or at least there are plans in place for a more permanent improvement with the stents. I was worried for a bit there... Thanks also for the comment on my blog - I'm keeping in pretty good spirits.
Great to hear of your Xmas and New Year - bet Florida is a bit warmer than the UK right now. Some bits of Scotland have had -22 deg C (8 deg F) which is VERY unusual... Bit better down south where we are.
Keep well and best of luck for 20th.
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