Friday, February 5, 2010

Quick Update <<< Friday Morning

Mitch's nausea subsided yesterday morning so he was feeling a bit better before his procedure.
Mitch had his bronchoscopy yesterday afternoon (Thursday). They took biopsies and cultures to send to the labs. There was some narrowing on the left side where the new stint was put in. The area of concern in the right lung, "area of concentration" is what Dr. V called it- on the ct-scan was sampled.

When Mitch came to, he was really snowed and he had to have the breathing tube put back in for a an hour while he was watched very closely, and then taken out. He was in the PACU unit being watched closely (Dr V. wanted him in ICU last night but there were no beds) until Mitch was able to convince them at around 10 pm that he was fine and they took him to his regular room.

He texted that he was ok but had had a "rough day".

We won't know about any of the labs until later on today and the days after.

They had started him on tameflu (sp?) because of his symtoms but even their flu labs (at UNC) take 48 hours so they will come back sometime today (friday).

Becky Cicale (our beloved nurse coordinator) called last night and was very gracious with her words of encouragement. She explained everything in further depth that Dr V had said earlier and told me that she thought the narrowing and infection were probably just from the cold he had and also that sometimes a cold can trigger acute rejection but they took biopsies. She said a lot of people have these airways complications for 6 months to a year and then they go away...and things are good. I hope she is right.


Anonymous said...

Mitch - We're all thinking of you and look forward to talking to you soon. All the best, Rachel and Rob

Denise and Michael Buttress said...

Hang in there guys, been thinking about you all a lot! Try to get a little R&R, I'm sure it is not easy! Super bowl Sunday is arriving! XOXO

Joan said...

Hi Reba - I'm hoping the good news keeps coming. Love and hugs, Joan.