Mitch reports he is beginning to feel better. He had a blood transfusion yesterday. His hematocrit- red blood cell levels have been hovering very low- and he had a shot- procrit- to build some about 2 months ago, but he needed another boost .
He has C. diff, which is an intestinal bacterium which generally occurs after heavy antibiotics or can be caught while in the hospital as it is also contagious. The treatment for this condition is guess what?- more antibiotics! Mitch will have to do some heavy probiotics after this...
All results from said tests (flu, virus, swine flu,etc) are coming back negative. No results from the biopsy about rejection yet. He should hear about that tomorrow.
The only thing that i showing up is his same old pseudomonas bacteria he has always had- the CF bugs hold on tight! It was able to take over again after he was ill with the cold he had.
On the home front; Simon, Matias, Luke and I have survived Snowmageddon 2010! The snow comes up to Simon and Matias's chest and my upper waist. Our neighbor Yasu helped me figure out the snowblower and helped us with our driveway.
Here is Matias and Simon playing with Mayu- she built a cave and an igloo.
We hope Mitch can join us soon. He plans to come home on Wednesday or Thursday.
That makes my little pile of snow look like it's a snow storm in training. Who said winter isn't fun? Good pics - hoping for more good news. xo love joan.
Mitch... hope you can come home soon... !! wow, the photos of the snow are amazing.!! love jean
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