Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bronch Procedure 12/2/09

Here is the deal...Mitch's new lungs are showing major narrowing & major infection on both sides. Dr. Haithcock said the CT scan they took yesterday showed parts of his lung that were collapsing from the narrowing and infection. He is concerned because the infection has gotten a lot worse since the last bronch. Let me rephrase that- he is concerned about the infection, he said he is not overall concerned with Mitch's prognosis or the new lungs. He said that this happens between 15-30% of the time and with treatment- the ballooning and if necessary the stenting, it gets better. He will perform another OR bronch in 9 days.

I talked to Ken, the patient care coordinator, and will later page the attending pulmonologist, Dr. Coakley. The infection is having a hard time getting better because of the immuno-suppressants, and also the narrowing does not allow him to clear the secretions through coughing.

They keep saying that this will get better without any long term compromising effects.

Here is our mantra: Four short, sip-like breaths in to O-pen O-pen, two long breaths out, Heal! Heal!
We have been receiving private kundalini yoga sessions, did Mitch tell you? Its been fabulous, a lot of breathing exercises, as the instructor has done a lot of pulmonary rehab work. Our yoga instructor is the lovely and poised:
HarDarshan Khalsa
Its been a great practice and sacred time to spend together!


Lynn said...

Mitch and Rebecca,
I trust you will fight off this infection with the treatment of your expert team. Keep the faith and hang in there! We're with you all the way! Love, Lynn

jean said...

Mitch.. super strength being wished for you while you beat this infection! Love Jean.. Paul sez Go Gators and Beat Alabama Saturday. !!

joan said...

Dear Mitch & Reba - I am chanting with you. Keep up your strong positive thoughts. Heal, Heal, Heal. much love, joan.

Unknown said...

Mitch and Rebecca,
Much love and fervent good wishes to you both as you face recovery challenges. Kundalini yoga - what a creative way to do breathing exercises! Thanks for sharing - Debbie

Anonymous said...

Heal Heal! We're all sending healing vibes your way. It was amazing to see you over Thanksgiving. Love you! L&F

Michael and Denise said...

M & R, as they as one step forward 2 steps back, we are thinking of you all and sending positive mojo your way!! Glad the yoga is helping and healing for you both! So happy that you all had a wonderful thanksgiving. Keep your chins up, heads held high, and keep chipping away! Amazing and Courageous you both are! Love you tons!! Keep up the great work and make sure not to over do it on the pain meds for the game this weekend, SEC CHAMPS! Here we come!! XOXO, a little tid bit of info from us, Camden started walking a few weeks ago and now is on the move! XOXOXO