Well, we made it to the show. I have been so

looking forward to this show as sort of a last hoorah before the transplant, that I was counting down the days. The collapsed lung put it in jeopardy, but things worked out and we made it. We had incredible seats and it was great to relive alot of the memories Rebecca and I have from so many shows over the years. The only

problem was, the song choices for the evening was a surprising disappointment. It was one of the most bizarre setlists ever, and none of the really emotional meaningful songs that I was longing to hear were played. The playing was done well and we danced and enjoyed ourselves, but any pre-transplant motivational epic shows was just not meant to be.

Well, perhaps a lesson was learned. A good dose of reality. Things are not always what you hope for or expect. Perhaps if I take away anything it was that I now have to get to more shows because that can certainly not be my last one and I will go on record now and say it will definitely not be my last...Bring On The Tranpsplant!! Lets get it over with so Rebecca and I can groove again at another show!
YIPPY!! glad you guys were able to make the show, sorry it was not as good as you hoped, I hate when that happens, sometimes DMB is that way! Hang in there, thinking of you all! XOXO
Bring it on! To many more shows and mini-triathalons and ski trips and travels...
you guys are so awesome, i am so glad you got to the show- amazing. we read this blog every day, think about you guys all the time. there will be more shows!
There will be many more shows to come and you will be dancing at all of them. Probably Matias and Simon will be joining you at the shows soon. Love ya. mom
So glad y'all got to go to the first of many more Phish concerts!
You guys are so brave and amazing. We hope everything goes well with your trip and the surgery. And BTW... can't wait to show Abby this website, she is going to freak out when she sees see Simon's pic. Glad to hear you were able to enjoy that concert, you deserved it for sure!!! Love, The Moons
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