Thursday, August 13, 2009

Here is an update from the hospital. I am doing ok. They got my lung reinflated but the chest tube has to stay in. Hopefully they can pull it tomorrow am. It is excruciatingly painful, and that is with morphine! Not looking forward to the transplant when I will have four of these. Speaking of which, UNC called me today. It seems last night they had the first ab blood type offer for lungs and I popped up 2nd on the list. They assume the number one person took them. So, unless someone with a higher score gets listed I am next on the list for AB lungs. And this was for this whole side of the country, not just the UNC region. So, Becky wanted an update on my condition in case the call comes. Of course who knows how long that still could be...


Anonymous said...

Hi Mitch - the updates are so appreciated. I wish I could have your pain for you. Love and hugs. Joan. xo

Unknown said...

I hope the pain stops soon, but am so glad to hear that the call could come anytime. Sending good thoughts your way. Maybe Saturday night during the concert the call will come.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mitch. Sorry to hear about the pain, but hope today is a good one . We're all thinking of you. Lots of love, Rob, Rachel, Jonathan and Jordan (the last 2 are looking forward to getting the band back together soon.