Hello all,
That's right, it was 8 weeks on Tuesday the 3rd, on Sunday will be two months! A lot has happened this past week, with Halloween and all. The boys had a great time trick or treating in this neighborhood. We stocked up on plenty of candy to help my weight gain process.
This has actually been a frustrating week, but a fun one with halloween to provide the fun. As I briefly talked about last post, my left lung continues to be a source of concern for me. The sounds continue, but more importantly the constriction and almost asthma like symptoms have been getting worse. I can tolerate my rehab and exercise. This actually helps and provides temporary relief, but throughout the day and night the wheezing, sounds, tightness continue and have increased. It can best be described as mental and physical frustration because of the constant nature. However, my strengthening and overall well-being continue.
On my clinic appointment on Friday, the 30th, the Team got a good listen to these symptoms and they agreed that another Bronchoscopy is warranted. This is were they insert a camera into my airways and check everything out. They look for rejection, biopsy the tissue, and the flexible tubing allows them to even clean out mucous or clean the anastome connections. The major theory is that the anastome connections could be inflammed or granulated or constricting. I am paraphrasing and simplyfying a bit, but basically where they connect the new lung to the old lungs is called the Anastome. This area takes alot of time to heal and you are basically joining a healthy non-cf airway to an old diseased CF airway. The healing process takes time here and sometimes the old airway can make it difficult. There are a few treaments for this depending on what they find. So, they are going to do this today, the 5th. I will keep everyone posted.
I am posting a link below and on the sidebar to our photo album for our trip the other weekend to Blowing Rock, NC. The above pictures are all from our trip. We decided to buy the VW bus and travel across the country celebrating my new lungs!! JK, but the thought did cross our minds!! I will post more soon..
Love the pictures from Blowing Rock especially the one of Simon and Matias in the tree. Mitch looks great. Can't wait to see you guys so soon.
hi !! great to hear the news. hoping your left lung can get better and give you relief! the VW bus trip would be a hoot ! photos are great ! love to everyone, Jean
Hey Mitch, just noticed how the pictures you have in this particular post are similar to the photo on your banner (you and your kids, mountains in the background), with one exception: you look 100 times happier and healthier in these pictures. The expression on your face says it all. Keep it up, man.
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