Three weeks have passed already!
Mitch had a second bronchoscopy this afternoon. Dr. Yankaskis performed the procedure. "Yank" has been closely involved in all of Mitch's progress and we are thrilled to have him on our team. He is a renowned, highly respected, pulmonologist: clinician, UNC professor, researcher, consults for NIH, pharmaceutical boards, gazillion lengthy and medically-enlightening publications, and on and on..Not to mention the fact that he likes to tell his patients meaningless trivia to distract them before a procedure, and well, whenever. Mitch was all groggy after the bronch but was full of these trivial facts Yank had told him, like, the history behind the word 'shindig' and random stuff like that- Other than spouting off random facts, Yank did gather a biopsy (tissue sample) and did a little cleaning while he was in there. They will test the biopsy for any signs of rejection that are not showing up clinically.
I only wish Mitch was experiencing the optimistic and positive reports his labs and x-rays are showing as well as the nods and "it doesn't get better than this" comments from the pulmonologists.
He is still not feeling any better, physically than before the transplant, he reports. This is because of all the pain, and numerous uncomfortable list-of-items which are torturing him at every moment as well as the inability to sleep. The massive amounts of prednisone and anti-rejection (immune-suppressant) meds make him shake and sometimes irritable- (sometimes downright nuts!- and there is this phenomenon called steroid-induced psychosis) - no really, he has been fine, nothing I can not handle...;)
On the home-front, Matias has a stomach bug-(scream!) the sanitizing measures in our home went up about 100 notches today, I am lysol-ing everything and washing every body's hands about 15,000 times a day. If I get this stomach bug, we are all doomed. I don't even want to think about Mitch getting it.
Should I quarantine?- i recently read Albert Camus's The plague- it feels eerily similar...
What does one do when they are not a nurse, a janitor, a housekeeper , a cook- well make that food preparer, masseuse, a dog walker, a mother, a chauffeur, a respiratory therapist , a personal trainer, a coach, and a mental health practitioner? Well, they read novels and stream foreign films- preferably french- from Netflix onto their laptops; at least that is the escape I have been employing to get me through the very stressful and ultra-serious goings-on in the life in Chapel Hill.
Oh, and we had a food fairy come and visit us on Tuesday... someone donated her services- she will be cooking us 2-3 meals a week- yeah!! Thank you food fairy and whomever sent you our way via the Sweet Melissa fund.
The pics above are from our drop-in clinic visit yesterday, on account of Mitch not feeling well, and the docs and patient care coordinator-Ken (in the pic next to Mitch), reassuring him he is doing great!
Stay positive, Mitch. It sounds like you are beating the odds and doing wonderfully. You are so lucky to have such a great wife and support team. Your new lungs are the best things to come out of Chapel Hill!
Dearests Mitch and Rebecca - Thanks for sharing good times and not so good. I share your pain and frustrations. We are all available to take on all the news you have to offer. Mitch - we are rooting for you and want you to know that you're our hero. We love you and will keep our healing shield out in full force. xoxoxo Love, joan.
Rebec, I feel for what you are going through. It has to be exhausting even though we all know this will get better. In the meantime, it is stressful for everyone. Bill and I will be there tomorrow. Maybe you should get out of the house for a while and we'll take over! Love you. momma G
Mitch and Rebecca
Shout loud and often for any thing you can think of that we could do to help. We support you !!! Much love Jean and Paul
mitch and rebecca, we are all behind you. try to think of the positives and all the good times your family will have in the future. keep on posting and sending on the uplifting pictures.
michael and dara
Hang in there you guys. It WILL get better. You've got tons of family, friends and even strangers rooting for you. Anything you need, I'll be down there in 3.5 hours! :)
Love ya,
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