Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Round 2: This is IT!! We hope!!

Well, we just got the call again.. Becky said this one looks real good, like the last but perhaps even better because they already did alot of the blood work. I am very excited this time and nervous. But this is why we are here. I am ready!! Surgery is suppose to start around 3-4pm today 09/08/09..

Thank you to everyone for following and supporting me, Reba, and the boys during this adventure and challenge!! Here we go again...



denise and Michael Buttress said...

Just saw your post on FB, did not get the update in my e-mail, humm oh well not sure why it didnt notify me but I check it a few times a day anyways!! Hope this is it, fingers crossed!! Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Mitch - go get em. God bless, god speed. I wish you all the strength and love you need. xoxoxo love, joan.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I will keep my fingers cross. Good Luck!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We have been keeping up with your day through Harriet. Our good thoughts are with all of you.

Elyse and Allan Weiner