Hello all,
I was discharged from the hospital today, 17 days after my transplant. That is a very good sign and on the slightly below average amount of time that most people take. I still have quite a long way to go, but things seem to be progressing as well as they could. I am proud to say I walked out of the hospital on my own power all the way from my room to the parking lot. Quite an accomplishment given that up until a few days ago I was really only walking about 1000ft. a few times a day. My lungs are probably the strongest part of my body right now, oh the irony!!
I have had what the doctors would consider only very minor setbacks and obstacles to overcome. My new lungs seem to continue to be a bit congested. No one is quite sure why, but it is common for some. The surgery builds up fluid, old congestion from my upper airway could trickle down and I just am not strong enough yet to cough it out. This should all improve over time with some antibiotics. My only other 2 major issues are 1) I seem to have an area in my lower left side of my chest that rattles and makes weird noises when I breath in. The chest xray looks great though, so the docs are split as to what it is. CF and Pulmonary docs think it is fluid or congestion, surgeons think it could be more from a slight mismatch in size of the new lungs and the lung has not fully adhered to my chest wall yet. They all think this will resolve no matter what it is, and no one is concerned to order any invasive testing, so green light ahead. I side with the surgeons because it just feels like a hollow space.
And finally the 2) issue is just a lot of pain and discomfort from the incision and the breaking of my sternum. This makes things difficult.
I have a complete new regimen of medications to learn and it is very overwhelming right now for me, Rebec, and my Mom. But without having them here this would be impossible. They have been amazing. Complete saviors and taking care of everything. My mind is still not the clearest and I fatigue real quickly, so this is the start of a whole new journey. That is why it takes 3 months, I realize now. My mom picked up literally 20 prescriptions today at CVS!! These will slowly taper down over the course of the next few weeks, but for now this is what I need.
Thanks again to everyone, it is great hearing and reading the comments. I have not really been able to talk on my phone or email that much yet, it is slowly coming back to me, but it is just not a priority yet for me and all of these meds really throw me for a loop. I do read all the comments and feel free to send texts, which I will read. Maybe this will slowly "wake" me back up.
I will start posting more though now as I have gotten alot of emails from even strangers and others waiting tx who want to follow.
Hope to see everyone soon..
Hooray, Hooray, a splendid end to my day to read that you are home with your family Mitch. That is so very wonderful. I wish you some sweet dreams and the joy of waking up and having your pillow under your head and to hear the sounds of home. Love and wishes for as much strength as you can have. xoxoxo Love, Roger, Joan, Annie and scott. Hugs and Kisses. :-)
Green, this is awesome news, so happy to read this update, it must feel great to be back home with the family. Keep it going, keep getting stronger, you'll be 100% before you know it. Thanks for the update, can't wait to speak with you when you are feeling stronger. Much love from the west coast- Douglas
Hooray for you Mitch! Keep up the bravery and positive spirits. You are stronger every day! Thank you for the update. And I appreciate the details since I'm so far away. Hooray also to your assistants, Gayle and Rebecca. XXXX0000
Welcome home! We have been watching your miraculous progress through this wonderful blog and your mom's emails. Keep up the good work. Enjoy your family.
Elyse and Allan Weiner
Great to have him home. Its been a long 2 1/2 weeks and a very short time. He is amazing although he continues to questions the docs on everything! We know he will continue to get stronger every day. Poor Rebec, she needs a vacation at the spa! Love mom
Welcome home, you must be so happy! We love hearing all the great news. Keep up the great work and hang in there! You all have come so far its so wonderful. Gator game tonight at 6pm, lets hope that Urban stops his sissy play calling from last week and sticks it to Kentucky! He said he felt Lane Kiffin was not going after the win, to why he played conservative. Big hugs and Kisses to you all!
Mitch - we couldn't be happier about your progress. It really sounds like your experience has turned out as you envisioned - with minor but completely normal bumps along the way. The boys must be so happy to have their Daddy back! I know the angels Gayle and Reba certainly are. Give everyone a big hug and kiss for us, and let them know we'll be headed down to see you as soon as you're strong enough to visit.
Troy, Felicia, Isabella & Lexi
Great news, Greeny!!!! Glad to hear you are home. Here's to a speedy recovery.
Hey Mitch,
Glad you are home!!!! It looks like it's been a great recovery so far. Keep up all the hard work. In my last posted comment I meant to say we are thinking of you not me. Sorry I'm kindof dyslexic when I write. We are all cheering for you:)
The transplant seems to have done wonders for your hair-do, as well. I love you, brother. Talk to you soon.
Mitch Just wanted to say Hi and let you know we are all behind you... Don't hesitate to give a shout if there is anything we can do to help you or your home. Love Jean and Paul.
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