Sorry for the break! Reba here, I went to the NJ shore for a few days where our sons were staying with my (almost) entire maternal family t0 help celebrate their 7th birthday on Tuesday. We got lots of hugs and love from my aunts, uncles, cousins, brother, and mom.
It was very replenishing for my spirit to see everybody in a place I spent many summers growing up- LBI, and to see Simon and Matias having fun and being loved by my family. But, I was anxious being far from Mitch and not seeing him for a few days. So, I am glad to be back with him now.
Gayle held up the fort at the hospital with Mitch. He did well this week, walking more, got a chest tube out, had a bronch done.
Today, though, he is not so good. He is feeling overall bad- not breathing as well- the cultures they took showed growth of infection growing and some junk in the lungs. His xray looked different and his white blood cell count is up, so they did a CT scan of the thoracic region/abdomen to see if there is anything to pay attention to, learn about, and treat.
He is tired, has bad pain in lower abdomen, more pain in incision/sternum area because epidural is out, and has different pains and abnormalities that do not permit much sleeping/rest.
He had a visit from the neurologists who did a full exam in response to possible nerve damage of brachial plexus during surgery causing numbness and weakness in his right bicep, arm, and hand. They will do a more thorough testing in about a week.
More information when available... Mitch says he will try and blog tomorrow or Sunday.
Thank you for your caring, kind emails, and messages.
Thanks for the update! Glad you were able to see some family and are now back with Mitch. I can't say it enough how amazing you both are, stay strong my friends and hang tough!! We love you! South Florida crew!
Hey Mitch, you look great in the photo. I'm sure it's horribly rough esp the second time around. Try to stay as tough as you can. I'm sure things will turn the corner soon. Hang in there Reba. Being on the spouse side is no easy task for sure. Big hugs, your CF bud Steph.
Mitch our thoughts and hopes are with you to help you feel better. love jean and paul
Hey Mitch,
Have Pain Management narc you up so you can relkax and rest. Pain = stress = white blood cells. Keep up the good work and hang tough. I'll see you in a few weeks when I'm in Chapel Hill
Hi Mitch and Reba - sorry to hear about the difficulties. Hoping the doctors get on the fix and you can feel good progress. Hope you can get a laugh from our youtube. :-))) Much love, Joan.
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