Thursday, July 22, 2010

Out of Surgery at 145am

Dr Haithcock came in at 1:45am and told us Mitch was stable after the surgery. He said the removal of the old lungs was difficult because of adhesions and scar tissue. Mitch had some bleeding which, is a concern, and will hopefully stop. He required 4 units of blood.

Mitch had been getting 3 shots a day of heparin (blood thinner) to prevent clotting since he has been immobile for the past 9-10 days.

Lyzka, Gayle and I are waiting to see him in the CT-ICU when we can.


Jenni said...

Proud of you Mitch! Rebecca, your strength through this is an inspiration to us all.

joan said...

Mitch - trying to imagine how you will feel when you open your eyes this morning. A million guardian angels are standing by to help your new lungs work and your body to heal. Much love, joan.

Lynn said...

What a relief! New lungs at last! Let the healing begin. Can't wait to hear from you, Mitch, when you feel up to it. Love, Lynn

Unknown said...

Go Mitch go!

Michael and Denise said...

Go team Mitch!! Thanks for keeping us all posted you both do such a great job! Glad he is out of surgery! Love you tons! Stay strong as I know you will!! XOXO

Mattingly's said...

Mitch, so happy you are out of surgery and wishing you all the best as you recover. You truly are an inspiration to us all.
Much Love, Carolyn & Rich

Anonymous said...

Mitch -
I wish I was there with you through this second journey. I will be pulling for you all the way from CT. I know you can do it, and i KNOW you have the best team out there! Miss you lots and keeping you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you guys! Keep my fingers crossed. Kasia

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all and praying still. Hugs.

Joan said...

Hi Mitch - as today winds down I just wanted to say hi again and tell you how much I've been thinking about you all day. Your will and spirit are so fabulous and the gift you give to your doctors. They have given you your chance and your will and love for life has made their work a success. Sleep tight. Wishing you sweet dreams. xo Love, Joan.